9/11 Hill Climb Honors First Responders

On September 11, 2019, members of the Teton County Search and Rescue had the privilege of climbing Snow King Mountain as a way to honor first responders who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks of 9/11. TCSAR volunteers and Foundation staff joined the community and local agencies, such as the Jackson Police Department, Teton County Sheriff’s Office, and Jackson Hole Fire/EMS, to hike the local ski hill on a rainy evening.


Organized by Jackson Hole Fire/EMS, the event featured ID badges with the photos and names of all 412 first responders who lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks. People were asked to select a badge (or three) and carry them up 1,100 feet, roughly the height of the World Trade Center. At Snow King, that meant hiking to just below the last switchback to the summit. Despite the wet conditions, more than 100 people came out to honor those who run toward danger when duty calls. Photos: Matt Hansen, Will Smith