The 2021 Midseason Rescue Report: Letter from TCSAR Chief Advisor Cody Lockhart

The past six months have been big ones for TCSAR on several fronts. At a basic level, TCSAR is a team of volunteers that signed up to serve the community. However, the intensity of the 2020-2021 winter demonstrated the extent to which our team is supported by that same community we serve.

On the first day of 2021, we did two significant rescues, which set the pace for what turned out to be the busiest rescue cycle in TCSAR history. We had 42 rescues in the first two months of the year. So far in 2021, we have had 13 short-haul rescues, more than double the number we have done in previous years.

The pace and seriousness of these rescues pushed the team, and we decided it was time to add some new blood to the organization. We just finished the process of selecting and inviting a new class of volunteers—the first time in six years from our last crop of new recruits. We had overwhelming interest, and were inspired by how many community members are willing to serve. It was a daunting task to whittle down to the best 10 folks to add to the team. We are excited about the energy and excitement this new group of men and women bring to our existing team of volunteers.

We are also proud to have Mike Estes, a 28-year volunteer with the team, step into the SAR Coordinator role. The position, through the Sheriff’s Office, is the sole paid employee in the organization, and we are extremely fortunate that Mike jumped to the opportunity to continue to serve the team and our community. 

With all that has been going in the world of Teton County Search and Rescue, I am proud to say the team pulled it all off without missing a beat. I could not be prouder of our team. It is rewarding to work alongside passionate and dedicated individuals that continue to build a culture of service, teamwork, compassion, hard work, and resiliency.

The members of TCSAR feel the love from our community. We appreciate all the support we receive from all parts of the community, whether it is through the financial contributions we receive, or the simple thank you we get at the post office. We are motivated to continue to do our part to serve those who need help in the Jackson Hole backcountry. There is nothing more fulfilling to the members of our team than making someone’s worst day a little bit better. 

Cody Lockhart
TCSAR Chief Advisor
Volunteer #84