Summer Programming Now Open at Backcountry Zero

TCSAR Foundation is excited to open registration for summer programming through Backcountry Zero. After a year of virtual workshops, we’re looking forward to having people over at the TCSAR hangar for in-person education (though we will keep a close eye on all developments and continue to adhere to public health directives). We are also aware that virtual programming offers increased accessibility to our educational programming, so we’ve schedule a Zoom workshop as well.

Accident prevention and safety awareness is one of the best tools we have to lower your risk of having a bad day in the backcountry. That’s why education remains a top priority for the Foundation. Plus, it brings us together as a community in a casual learning environment.

This summer, classes are within the What’s In Your Pack umbrella of programming and will offer the following instruction:

  • How to travel safely in bear country, and how to properly deploy bear spray.

  • How to mitigate your risk of being struck by lightning.

  • How to use Personal Locator Beacons, like inReach and SPOT devices; why they are important; and how to make sure you don’t trigger a false activation.

  • Common injuries and how to effectively treat them with basic first aid.

  • What’s In Your Pack? How to pack for a day in the mountains.

  • Separate workshops are available for Mountain Bike essentials.

The WIYP classes are available for adults, families, and two youth age groups. For more information, scheduling and to register, head over to