Help TCSAR Outfit and Train the First New Class of Volunteers since 2015

From gear to training to wellness, supporting new SAR members builds on the team's future

Teton County Search and Rescue is excited to bring on 10 new volunteers to the team. But first, each new member must be equipped and trained to handle rescues in the Jackson Hole backcountry. For the next six months, each new member will attend roughly 18 training sessions, including Land Navigation, Swiftwater Rescue, Wilderness Medical Response, Avalanche Rescue, and Rigging for Rescue.

"Our goal with training the new class is to both build on the amazing skills they bring to the team and reframe their existing skill sets to a Search and Rescue mindset," says TCSAR volunteer KC Bess, who will help train the new class. "We plan on getting hands-on with the training using SAR-specific scenarios and techniques. Bringing them on board we hope to help them integrate as quickly and seamlessly as possible with the operational team."

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Due to the cost associated with adding new SAR members, TCSAR Foundation is looking for community support. As with any new class, the new members stand to be the future of the team. It's the Foundation's goal to help set them up to maintain the legacy of excellence established by all those who have come before.

Help us bring on the new class. Who are they, you ask? We'll let you know next week!