This Fourth of July, Be Safe and Considerate on the Water, and Always wear a Life Jacket

We know that our beautiful rivers and lakes will be busy this coming Fourth of July holiday, and for good reason. But given recent trends, Teton County Search & Rescue and the Snake River Fund are encouraging everyone to increase their safety protocols and awareness out on the water.

In the last 10 years, there have been nine water fatalities in Teton County. Nearly all of those who died were not wearing a life jacket or personal flotation device (PFD).

If you are heading out on the water this summer, please remember:

Listen to the Radio Clip from KMTN:

  • Our rivers are no joke! They are cold, swift and powerful.

  • Always wear a properly fitting life jacket.

  • So-called scenic stretches have many hazards, including deadly log jams and strainers, braided channels with blind corners and closeouts, and hazardous undercurrents and eddylines. Don't let the lack of whitewater lull you into complacency.

  • Excessive drinking and swiftwater don't mix!

  • Have fun, respect others and the environment, and please be prepared, practiced and present.

From all of us at TCSAR, have a fun and safe Fourth of July!