Jackson Hole Magazine

TCSAR and Backcountry Safety Featured in Jackson Hole Magazine

If you live in or visit Jackson Hole, chances are you spend a lot of time outdoors. Which means that sooner or later, you’ll have to confront some of the inherent risks of recreating in the backcountry. Helping educate people to make choices to mitigate that risk and empowering them to know what to do should something go wrong are big priorities at TCSAR and the Foundation.

So we are pleased to see the issue of backcountry safety get so much ink in Jackson Hole magazine’s 2021 summer issue. The feature includes interviews with TCSAR Medical Advisor AJ Wheeler about his advice on how to prevent injuries as well as how to treat them; a spotlight on the BackcountrySOS app; and a lengthy interview with Hannah Bruch, a mountain biker who was injured and subsequently rescued up Phillips Canyon last September. (You can hear Hannah’s story on episode 32 of The Fine Line podcast.)

Check out the story be clicking the button below. You can find numerous safety resources at our educational site Backcountry Zero, and please consider attending one of our summer workshops about backcountry safety.